Thursday, 26 May 2011

Oyen Adventure

This past Monday I spend my day off in Oyen Alberta.  Considering there really isn’t a whole lot in Oyen you’re probably wondering why I would travel 3 hours to spend a day there. Well it was because this is where the 2011 Regional Heifer show was held!
Over the past 6 years I have been very involved in beef 4-H and have had a steer project and also a female project. In a female project you start as a heifer then bring her back and show her along with her calf as a 2 year old and a 3 year old. In order to continue bringing her back you must show her within your 4-H districts show but there have also been shows like the Regional Heifer Show and the Provincial Heifer Show that have been created to give kids a chance to show their projects more than once.
This year I took my entire breeders herd (consisting of a heifer, 2 year old and 3 year old) up to Oyen along with a great crew of people to help me! When I was there I was able to win Grand Champion 2 year old and Grand Champion 3 year old and also won with my breeders herd.
We had a great time in Oyen! It was great seeing a member of my club win Grand Champion Female and also to get a new member addicted to showing!

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