Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Rain is a Good Thing!

Finally after what seemed to be a never ending streak of bad weather and winter storm warnings, farmers have finally been able to get going in the fields. Over the years, around here famers have really learned how to just deal with the conditions the Southern Alberta weather has thrown at them, this year being the excess amount of water in their fields. I know many farmers in this area had started pumping out water weeks before they were ready to seed rather than pouring it on the fields (which is what we usually see). Even now driving down old dirt roads you see many fields that have what I like to call "nature reserves" in the middle, or areas that the farmer gave up pumping and now taken over by ducks. Although you would think with this amount or water, farmers would be praying for sun, think again. Now that the farmers have gotten in the fields, worked the land, then probably worked it again, then finally seeding it, the top layer of the soil is dry and moisture is needed to get the little seeds growing. This is where water comes in or also known as the most important factor in the whole system. So right now as the clouds are starting to roll in you can see the grin starting to rise on farmers faces because around here even though we have had a lot of moisture this past year we can still say Rain is a Good Thing.

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