Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Producers and Consumers

When asked to design this blog our goal was to create more of a contact between producers and consumers and in this case between farmers/ ranchers and the general public. There was one company that came to my mind when I was given this topic and that was Adfarms. Adfarms is North America’s largest marketing company that works with countries around the world that want to market a product and try to give urban people a better understanding of agriculture. Their goal is to connect clients to their customers through new and upcoming market techniques.
15 years ago Art Froehlich bought out the company and last December he sold the company to his employees who were farm kids with agricultural degrees. This last November I got the opportunity to meet with Art and got to introduce him at a conference for farmers. Meeting Art was a great experience and made me realize that agriculture has a lot to offer and on the future it will have even more jobs available. Art really got me interested in marketing and made me realise that a strong relationship between a consumer and a producer and very important.
For more information about Adfarms be sure to check out this website and explore one of the many career path agriculture offers!

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